Monday, July 26, 2010

Oily skin, a little acne, slight redness, large pores, uneven texture: BEST SOAP?

so basicly my skin is


acne prone (sort of)

uneven skintone/texture

acne marks

and large pores

i am currently using neutrogena acne face wash/acne spot treatment/ and oil free face moisturizer and i exfoliate a few times a week

what can i do to get flawless skin?Oily skin, a little acne, slight redness, large pores, uneven texture: BEST SOAP?
I started using pHisoderm anti-blemish gel face wash about four months ago and I really like it a lot. Neutrogena Acne Face Wash seems to cause more blemishes for me than it helps and the Burt's Bees Tomato soap suggested in another answer burns my face something fierce.

I also use pHisoderm nurturing facial polish and it works fairly well as an exfoliant.

Unfortunately, there is no cut and dry answer to your question. Everyone's skin is unique and no one's skin responds the same to the same products. And there are so many products out there on the market that buying facial cleanser is downright intimidating!

Anyway, the pHisoderm has been working for me, so it may be worth a try for you. Good luck.Oily skin, a little acne, slight redness, large pores, uneven texture: BEST SOAP?
no soap, it worked for me

when you feel you skin is becoming oily dab it with a wet tissue

now i very rarely have a breakout
okay... as hard as it is, stop doing all that. i had the same issues. pick ONE thing to continue, and only do it. by using many things, you are irritating your skin. wash gently in the morning with just water. apply a small amount of eucerin moisturizer. don't wear make up- if you feel you have to cover up shine, a little powder. when you get home, gently wash with just water again to remove dirt. continue your day as normal. in the shower, i reccomend dove face scrubs, to use gently. by scraping your face you are triggering your oil glands. apply moisturizer again in the morning. your skin should look better soon. but remember- no one's skin is perfect.
Dove: the white one worked for me, because it did not leave my face dry. Proactive really clears my face up, and it looks amazing, my acne was never really bad, but I do have oily skin so that works too.

check out my pix on myspace

my face is clear now, I hope it works for you. Plus I drink a lot of water now. For the oily skin try the rice pads sold at your local drugstore. It can also be the type of make-up you use. Try using studio fix mac, it does not cause acne at all. It costs like $25 but it's worth it ;)
According to several magazine, Biore Ice Foaming cleanser, followed by oil free moisturizer with sacyclic acid, like Clean %26amp; Clear
A soap called valderma it is antibacterial
Use burts bees tomato face soap along with their toner, radiance serum, and day creme. This regimen twice a day plus oil-free sunscreen in the morning works lie a dream.
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