Saturday, July 24, 2010

My wife says that I have garlic pouring out of my pores...?

she states that I constantly smell like garlic. My breath, my pores, my sweat. I shower, brush my teeth 2-3 times daily, floss, etc. Everything that I should be doing I do.

I personally cannot smell it nor do I hear it from anyone else. I am ruling out the fact that she is trying to be a bee-yotch.

Any ideas or suggestions of what I could try?My wife says that I have garlic pouring out of my pores...?
your diet of too much garlic may be the cause of your problem but if you are not eating garlic at all, it may be caused by internal problems in your body so you have to consult an internist doctor. btw, are you gaelic? cheers!My wife says that I have garlic pouring out of my pores...?
Tell her that all French and Italian men eat lots of garlic so

they can be super sexy in bed. (Eating lots of garlic will

keep you alive after 50, when most men are having strokes.)

I think she's looking for something to ***** about.

Take a long bath in epsom salts and some musk bath salts

and see if that helps.
are you french or italian? because if you are, that's normal. cheers!
Garlic can be smelled on the body, even right after a shower, as is true of a number of other foods and spices. Usually you do not smell these things on yourself. Garlic is very good for the health, so try to get your wife to eats lots of it. If she eats garlic too, she won't notice it on you.

As others have noted, if you smell like garlic but don't eat garlic, there could be a problem -- tell your doctor.
Go to GNC and get a body detox. have to drink this mixture every so often for a few days and it cleans your system out. If you still have problems after this you should see a doc.
stop eating garlic filled foods. That's nasty and people with sensitive sniffers don't want to smell that.
Tell her to stop b-s-ing you and move on.
Are you eating a lot of garlic? If you are it might just be pouring out of your pores! The smell of garlic can be excreted through your skin when you sweat.

If you're not, try and see if anyone else smells it. They might not be telling you because they don't want to hurt your feelings.

If anyone else smells it and you're not eating garlic, that could be a medical problem.

If nobody else smells it, your WIFE might have a medical problem that's causing her to smell it.
You actually sweat garlic out when you eat it, so she is probably being honest!! Stop eating gArLiC! lOl
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