Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Microdermabrasion for big pores?

My boyfriend has HUGE pores filled with blackheads. I got him a facial once, but his pores stayed big and they were filled with blackheads by the next day. He uses a blackhead scrub with salicylic acid acid every day. We tried Biore blackhead strips and the blackhead eraser and I squeeze them out regularly but they always just come back. I'm wondering if microdermabrasion would help?Microdermabrasion for big pores?

He should eat healthily. Avoid junk food... EXERCISE !! sweat

I don't think it'll help much tbh the microderm - he needs to get rid of the blackheads first

he should use normal baking soda and sugar mixture then use it to exfoliate a few times a week

i never use commercial products (except vaseline) and my skin is spotless

if he has long bangs, they are probably why he has rubbish on his forehead

my hair is very oily and i had bangs... use to get lots of spots - but after i got it short, i didn't get any

you have to give him multiple facials aswell - not just one

steam his face beforehand and then give him one..Microdermabrasion for big pores?
absolutely :)


alvispetter said...
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alvispetter said...

Generally large pores are healthy although unsightly. Microdermabrasion will do little do change the size of the pores. From a non-surgical standpoint, Retinoids will abate the action of the sebaceous glands and may contribute to diminished pore size over the long term.


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