Monday, November 21, 2011

How to treat enlarged pores?

How can i treat my pores w/o having to spend alot of money???How to treat enlarged pores?
well, I can give you some tips and a regimin that would be easy to follow. All you need is Witch Hazel (astringent) and a Mint Julep, or a Mud Pack masque.

Use the witch hazel every morning, let your skin fully absorb it before putting any makeup on. The witch hazel will soak into the pores and disolve any dirt and oil, while at the same time shrinking the pores.(apply to clean skin for best results)

Use a Mint Julep facial masque once or twice a week, as the masque dries it will pull out any impurities (black heads too!) and shrink the pores, this masque is best if you have oily skin.

If you have dry skin you might want to use a Mud Pack facial masque, this will work similar to the mint julep only it will have a more moisturizing effect.

You can get these products at any beauty supply store like Sally's for under $15.

Witch Hazel is a more common product and can be purchased at your local grocery stores, drug stores, or Wal-Mart.How to treat enlarged pores?
Get a bottle of Witch Hazel. Dab on face with cotton. Is an old remedy, but works.
just squeeze them.
You can rub some limes on them for acouple of days or use witch hazel as an astringent.
You can get this thing called Neutrogena-something. I dont remember the name but it is a bottle with blue liquid inside and costs only 6 bucks at Wal-Mart. I use it and it works awesome!

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